The Sator Square is a word square containing aLatin palindrome featuring the words SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS written in a squareso that they may be read top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, and right-to-left. The earliest known appearance of the square was found in the ruins ofPompeii which was buried in the ash of Mt. Vesuviusin 79 AD. If the Sator Square is read boustrophedon, with a reverse in direction, then the words becomeSATOR OPERA TENET, with the sequence reversed.[1] ...
Around the central Latin letter Ν (en,) a Greek crosscan be made that reads both vertically and horizontally the first two words of the 'Pater Noster' (Pater Noster translates as "Our Father", the first words of the Lord's Prayer), each line is surrounded with A and O which represents the Alpha and Omega.[8] The associations indicate the square may have been a safe, hidden way for early Christians to signal their presence to each other in a city without exposing themselves to persecution. The Sator Square uncovered in Manchester has been interpreted as early evidence for the arrival of Christianity in Britain.[citation needed] ...